Cut it out

In 1972, the German Minister of the Interior banned “Fräulein” from official use in Germany. According to wikipedia, “Fräulein” was used before one’s name, similar to “Miss” in English, to identify the fact that the female was not married. One year after this ban, Fräulein GrigioGirl was born.


As a Fräulein, I often rely on other Fräuleins for direction. Luckily, Fräulein Maria taught me the importance of sewing. While living with Captain Von Trapp, she took curtains off the windows and made clothes for the children. Although I haven’t done that, I have made a thing or two out of a thing or two and, like Fräulein Maria, I sing while I do it.


So, when Tree told That’s Not Chinese that America had let him down, thus, he needed non-traditional medical care, That’s Not Chinese had a solution, which Tree shared with me. “I’m going to get my cyst ready, she’s going to drain it, and she said you could stitch it up.” “She said I would stitch it up?” I asked. “Yep. She said you are good at sewing, so we’ll just give you a couple of glasses of wine and then ask you to go get your needle,” he informed me. “Right, because I always keep my first aid/sewing kit near the wine,” I replied and added, “Be thinking of a thread color.”


“I think this will be great. This plan is much better than my dad’s plan,” he told me. “What was your dad’s plan?” I asked. “He suggested somebody hold the cyst away from my body with a pair of tongs so he can shoot it out.” “I really don’t think that is a good idea – for a variety of reasons. The most obvious being that your dad is missing a foot, an arm and his nose,” I replied. “Yeah, probably not the best idea. We’ll do it at your house, make a web page, film it, and become famous,” Tree said with excitement.



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