We will can fit

One of the many benefits of traveling is meeting new people and, even better, doing karaoke with them.


Fortunately, I have been able to travel to towns that have really great karaoke bars, and this town was no exception. Cafe Japone is a combination sushi/karaoke bar – this combination is better than peanut butter and chocolate – sorry Reese’s.


When I walked (OK, ran) in the door I found Wisconsin on the mic. The lyrics were on the screen, the music was playing and he was belting out the words, but I didn’t recognize the song. “It sounds different on the radio,” I was advised.


We took turn singing several songs and then encouraged the staff to sing a song or two. Our server didn’t hesitate to do so. The sushi chef, who was Hispanic and spoke very little English pointed to his throat and said, “Broken.” “So is your English,” said Wisconsin. Touché (that’s French…not Spanish, English or Chinese).


One of the other comforts of this karaoke bar was the fact that it was empty. With the exception of the staff and one couple who left after one song, it was just us – something I love. This type of coziness allows us to hit the mic all night long (I’d like to dedicate the last part of that sentence to Lionel Richie). As often happens with me and my friends in karaoke bars, we closed it down. Not ready to call it a night, 70s Disco Queen suggested we go to a gay bar. As we were leaving, Wisconsin’s wife, PC, asked 70s Disco Queen if he had everything, “We don’t want to leave anything behind.” “Well in that case I should tell you I don’t have my dignity. I left that behind a long time ago.”


We made our way outside and six of us hailed a cab. As the driver pulled up Wisconsin was concerned we might need two cabs. PC, however, did not share the same concerns, “We will can fit,” she assured him. And we did.





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