That wasn’t a costume

Although Adele was a bit of a bust the other night, the Arctic Monkeys were not. They did, however, pound the drums so hard that they busted one – blew it out completely. Surprisingly, they had a spare. Who blows out a drum and has a spare? The Arctic Monkeys, that’s who.


Mini Me and I met BeCuz and her husband at the concert and, sadly, Mini Me was limited to the lower portion of the venue. “You should really get her a fake ID,” BeCuz informed me. “Even with a fake ID she wouldn’t be getting up there tonight,” I replied. This venue is like Europe in that it is not built for gimps – steeps stairways and no elevators. After a couple of appertifs, we joined Mini Me in the lower portion of the venue where we noticed items for sale. BeCuz and I decided to purchase a CD and, after I paid the sales associate, she asked me, “Do you have somewhere big that you can stick it?” I asked her to please not speak to me like that in public.


After sharing this exchange with her husband he informed me he couldn’t get over the horrible outfits worn by some of the other patrons. “I agree,” I told him and added, “When you go to see a good band in concert you just assume the other people there have good taste. Then you see them and realize you are wrong.” I wish I could say people were in costume, but they weren’t.


After the concert I quickly headed home and changed into my costume for BirthdayOke – a celebration for Sleepless and One And Done. Being that I’m into ‘channeling’ lately, I channeled Diane Lane as Corrine Burns in Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains. I arrived to be greeted by Sleepless who was donning camouflage, tulle, leggings and a tambourine. “Up until about four hours ago (which would have been about an hour before the event) they didn’t have a liquor license,” she informed me. “Good thing they got it. How did they get it so fast?” I asked. “I don’t know. If they hadn’t I don’t know what we would have done,” she replied. “We could have gone bowling, told them we were in a league and these were our ‘uniforms,'” I suggested.


A little while later, while doing one of my best spins, I flashed Sleepless my red briefs. “I never wear these underwear so I put them in the costume box and then thought they would like great over tights for PunkOke,” I told her. “They look great. A lot of goodness,” she replied. “They’re big, but at least they’re not granny panties. I had to wear granny panties one time in England because my luggage didn’t arrive.” “What?” she asked. “I got to England and my luggage didn’t, so I had to wear my friend’s underwear – which were granny panties – and a velour track suit that was a bit big on me.”  “Why didn’t you just not wear underwear?” “I didn’t want to cream her jeans, aka track suit. If you had seen me in the track suit you would have creamed your jeans. Granny panties + velour track suit = hot. Not a costume, rather, a fashion statement.”


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