
Seems I have a new habit – being completely out of it. For the last few days, perhaps weeks, I have lost several valuable items. Namely: my shed key and my French Travel Pack CD. BeCuz believes these may be ‘code words’ for sexual activity. Not so. The only thing I have lost related to sexual activity is my virginity and that happened so long ago and so fast I didn’t even realize I had lost it. Five minutes of my life that I’ll never get back. Your Zodiac sign may have changed this year, but mine changed a long time ago. I will never be a Virgo again.

I’m also not going to be able to mow my lawn, ride my scooter, do tricks with my sweet bike, or speak essential words and phrases in French. It’s “Comment ca va?” “Uh, what?” all day for me.

Hopefully, with the help of some fine songs with English and French in them, like C’est La Vie, Lady Marmalade, and Kiss Me Forever, I’ll be able to sing my way through France. If I’m lucky, I’ll have two backup dancers, just like Julien DorĂ©.

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