Quality control

While sitting in my office today I had a bit of an epiphany – and by ‘epiphany,’ I am not referring to the  manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. What I’m talking about is a sudden realization, an understanding if you will, about people and their looks.

A coworker stopped by my office and asked why we hadn’t been out for beer again. As he was saying this I remembered we had, some time ago, gone out for drinks with a group of coworkers. He was a rather handsome gent, which made me wonder why I had blocked out this event. As he continued to speak with me, I had recall and my epiphany.

According to www.answers.com, ‘quality control’ is a system for ensuring the maintenance of proper standards in manufactured goods, especially by periodic random inspection of the product. According to me, some manufactured goods – people – have missed all inspections.

These are people who, by all appearances – physical, on paper, in their profile – seem ‘qaulity.’ Once they start speaking or you begin socializing with them, you quickly realize they missed both the initial QC  inspection and any periodic random inspections thereafter.

The physically attractive people are the worst. You see them and think, “Uh huh,” and then, sometimes within seconds, you think “Uh uh.” Dr. BJ and That’s Not Chinese have a friend like this. Very, very attractive individual. When I finally met him, I wasn’t impressed. Biggest dick ever – in more than one way, from what I’ve been told.  I saw the draw (I’m talking about his face and stature, not his plank), but that was it for me. Although handsome, like my coworker who I could not recall, his looks were all he had. Based on conversations with both of them, their looks are all they’ve ever had. It appears whoever is working their assembly line is either on break or can’t see past the pinstripes.

That said, I am extremely thankful for all of the QC inspections (most of which are non-PC) my friends and others have provided me periodically throughout my life to ensure the maintenance of ‘proper standards,’ (who knew I had standards – and that they’re proper?).

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