Every now and again I have the privilege of working on a committee with XYZ. Unfortunately, for me, he hasn’t attended the last few meetings. I told Calling The Dog, the chair of the meeting, to send him an email advising him to zip up his zipper and come to the meeting.
We were a few minutes into today’s meeting when I noticed there was no sign of XYZ. I was hungry and Miss Information informed me the conference room next door had snacks, “I dare you to go over there and take one.” There are a couple of things for which I have no strength: snacks and dares, and not necessarily in that order. I headed to the other room, peered in the door before entering – to assess the situation – and found there were about 40 people in the room. Most of the people were seated around the large table, but there were a few scattered along the back wall. The table with food was on the wall furthest from the door, in-between the conference table and the scattered staff.
I entered the room, head held tall, and walked with a purpose toward the food table. When people looked at me, which about 40 of them did, I smiled. I arrived at the food table, grabbed a sugar cookie, took a bite, did an about face, and continued to enjoy it while I made my exit. I returned to my meeting with only one regret – that I didn’t take a cupcake too.
Miss Information was proper impressed with my accomplishment and was rousing me to do it again when XYZ made his grand entrance. He was wearing a dapper navy blue suit, with an orange tie and a white dress shirt. To compliment this look, he had unzipped his zipper and pulled the bottom of his dress shirt through the opening of the zipper, just so. “Oh no you didn’t,” I said. “I sent him the email,” Calling The Dog proudly informed me. XYZ took a page out of my book and smiled, all the while looking pretty. Calling The Dog and I were pleased. Everyone else in the room appeared to be either shocked or offended, thus, adding to my pleasure. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,” I announced, “I present exhibit Z.”
I hate when my work gets in the way of a productive meeting! I missed a good one!
I couldn’t agree more – to both.