Hits the spot

It’s not uncommon for Sleepless and I to try and help the economy by purchasing beautifully labeled bottles from our local wine store. – last night was no exception. “I was  looking for white zin – don’t tell MyFace – and I couldn’t find it,” Sleepless told me. “In fact, I couldn’t find any boxed wine. So, I just looked for some pinks and whites with pretty labels.” She did very well in her search – the labels were very pretty and the wine definitely hit the spot.

As we were talking about all of the things in life that hit the spot, the Gräfenberg Spot – more commonly known as the ‘g-spot,’ was mentioned. “It doesn’t really exist,” said Sleepless. Me and the Brits in King College London think she is right about this one. Sorry Ms. Whipple, it was a nice concept that you tried to build for us ladies.  In this case, however, Shoeless Joe was absolutely right, “If you build it, he will come.” He will come and she, sadly, will lie in wait, literally.

All of this talk about hits got us in the mood…..for our favorite karaoke bar – a G-Spot that does actually exist and both men and women can find it, regardless of their sexual preference or level of activity. Yes, the bar we frequent starts with a ‘g’ and it is full of hot karaoke hits. It is not, however, very often full of people.

As usual, we were pretty much the only people at the G-Spot  and we were singing  one hot hit after another. Although we don’t personally know the other six patrons, we recognize them and their genre. Which is why it was odd to see a newbie in the mix.  A newbie who really liked eye contact. This was not something that appealed to Sleepless. As the night progressed, so did newbie’s comfort level. He was singing , joining us on the dance floor, and even went so far as to touch Sleepless. Within seconds of that exchange she was whispering in my ear, “Any chance you have some hand sanitizer?” As newbie was singing one of his songs, Sleepless decided to do her chair dance – something she usually reserves for Norm. I decided to join her – something I do because I’m not reserved. “Remember,” she told me, “No eye contact. This is exactly why I don’t strip.” “Me too,” I replied and then Flashdanced the hell out of my chair, with my eyes closed.

As we were summing up the evening, which included some unchivalrous behavior by another patron, Sleepless had a dating epiphany, “We definitely need to date someone either in their 50s or born in the ’50s – someone old enough to understand the value of chivalry.” “Good idea,” I agreed and added, “By doing that, we will have a g-spot. The ‘g’ will just stand for Gramps. Gramps’ spot. I like it . That, Sleepless, is a hit!”

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