Happily ever after – feline and all

Last time I spoke with Rusty Rogue Rafael was several months ago, at which time he told me a story about how he professed his love for another, to that another, only to be shot down. He appears to be over that now and was telling me how happy he is with his life. “No kids, no mortgage, good job, good friends, partying all the time.” I told him that all sounded lovely even though we didn’t share the same haves and have nots. “Are you seeing anyone?” he asked. “No, no, I’m not,” I answered. “Guess it is a bit hard to meet someone when you only hang around gay men.” “There is that,” I agreed. “You really need to come back over here, meet a European and live happily ever after,” he advised. Definitely something to consider.

Later that day I was with The Responsible One and The Best Dip when a question arose and That’s Not Chinese was the only one who would know the answer. I rang her up and while she was providing the answer, The Best Dip was inquiring about her. At the same time, That’s Not Chinese begin asking about The Best Dip.

Doing as a matchmaking friend does, I queried The Best Dip. “Do you like crime shows?” “Love them!” “Do you like to travel?” “Yes, yes.” “How do you feel about cats?” “Oh geez, I knew this was coming. I don’t have one, but….” “Sorry,” I told her, “I’ve told That’s Not Chinese that she can’t trust or date a lesbian who doesn’t like pussy.” “I should have seen that one coming,” The Best Dip said. “Just because I don’t have one, doesn’t mean I don’t mind petting them if they come around.” I cut her some slack and by the end of the conversation we had visions of her and That’s Not Chinese, donned in CSI sweatshirts and scrubs, sitting on the couch watching DVRed crime shows, That’s Not Chinese sipping wine, The Best Dip drinking beer, and a cat making an occasional appearance.

I shared this visual with That’s Not Chinese who was very excited to find out there is more than one ‘new lesbian in town’ and that she may get to meet her soon, scrubs and all. The joy in her voice and text messages reminded me of Rusty Rogue Rafael’s suggestion. I plan to seriously consider this as soon as I return from coffee with Tree and FatGirl.

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