Lid, please.

S-Unit is not one to mince words and has been very clear about her goal for this year: get married on 11-11-11. “There’s a lid for every pot,” she told me. “That’s what my mom always tells me. I just haven’t found my lid yet, but I will. 11-11-11.”

Minus a few tiny details, like she wasn’t made in France and isn’t really a pot, S-Unit is Le Creuset of eligible bachelorettes – not only is she gorgeous to look at, she is hard-wearing efficient and solid, like cast iron, like Le Creuset.

I have a good feeling about her goal – made me rethink my goals for this year. Currently, my goals/resolutions are simple: practice cursive, unplug things, see less of my whiteboard/window, and qualify for jury duty. So far, I’m four for four. A lot of people of razzed me for my last goal. “Don’t you just have to register to vote in order to qualify?” They make it sound like registering to vote is simple. Obviously they don’t live in Arizona and aren’t serving time.

I try to keep my goals simple, so as to avoid failure. For example, qualifying for jury duty and actually being a juror are two different things. They are a lot like dating. One can be qualified to date and never actually date or, to use the courtroom term, never be ‘selected.’ Always the pot without a lid.

I was talking to a few coworkers about this and sharing some old dating stories with them, when one of them told me, “You’re really dating yourself.” “Actually, I am really dating myself,” I responded. “In fact, last night I had a very romantic evening at home, alone.” This pot does not need a lid. I can reach boiling point on my own – it may take a little longer, but I’ve got nothing but time. That said, I would consider a lid, assuming it helped the environment.

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