He’s back, she’s got my back.

Guess who’s back, back again….

Yes, unfortunately, Carl is making a comeback. Can’t blame him really. My lips are pretty luscious.

Luckily my friends like him, because he goes everywhere with me. This morning, we were at OregganO’s for coffee and interior design activities and she was asking me what I did last night. “Just stayed in and watched documentaries. Carl doesn’t really like to go out.” “Right,” she replied, “I can see why. Speaking of, have you heard from Rhoid?”

Sometimes I wish Warwick and Houston could just tag along behind me, with the PhotoShop and YouTube crews, so that they could provide background music at these opportune moments. ‘For good times and bad times, I’ll be on your side forever more, That’s what friends are for.’

Unfortunately, they can’t just tag along. Fortunately, OregganO has other lovely ‘friend’ music on hand. Such as, Wilson Phillips. They are good for camaraderie and drowning out just about anything. Which is very important for people like me and Skiwi.

After coffee, OregganO and I took Dirk out for a spin and grabbed some French Dip sandwiches. We brought them back to the house, paired them with curly fries and cheddar cheese, chatted for a bit, and then I made an announcement and request, “I’ll be right back. Could you please put on some Wilson Phillips?” “Does it have to be Wilson Phillips?” she asked, “How about I just do a few lines?”

By ‘do a few lines,’ OregganO did not mean sing or snort coke. She meant sew; sew a few lines on the rag quilt she is making. As a good friend does when they can’t find Wilson Phillips, OregganO turned on the TV, increased the volume, and did a few lines.

A few pounds and minutes later, I returned to the front room. “Sorry about that,” I told her, “Meat and I have an interesting relationship – I can’t seem to keep it in me for more than 30 minutes. Maybe QuQueen is right. Maybe I’m a lesbian.” “Too bad you can’t do that with everything,” OregganO replied, “You’d be one skinny bitch.” Warwick, Houston, cue the music, please. YouTube, is the boom ready? Photoshop, we’re going to need the healing brush – I don’t want Carl in this shot. That’s what friends are for…..

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