Brown sugaring

As most people know, I’m not one to sugarcoat things, neither is The Leaver. Yesterday, while hanging at the New York Lounge, one of the other patrons started chatting with us. “So you guys are in film?” “Yes,” The Leaver responded. “Where are you based?” “Here and LA,” The Leaver remained on cue. “Has anyone ever told you that you look like Marcia Gay Harden?” the patron asked The Leaver. In unison, we both asked, “Who?”

As OregganO will tell you, I am not good with names or faces, especially when it comes to celebrities. After some additional clues from the patron (who, as it turns out, is the sponsor of the lounge…..if only I could remember his name) and a quick Google search, we realized who this Marcia character is and that she and The Leaver share some similar features. I was impressed with the resemblance and thought it to be a compliment. The Leaver did not share these feelings. “Ew, really? I’m not seeing it,” said The Leaver. “Really?” the  patron sponsor continued. “I think the resemblance is uncanny.” “I think it is because I literally just woke up, didn’t sleep much last night and haven’t showered,” The Leaver honestly replied. “I’ll have to let her know how you feel about her looks,” patron sponsor quipped, “she is my good friend.”

Today,as I was driving to visit Dr. BJ and Disdain, I gave Dr. BJ a quick call to see what he was doing. Not one to sugarcoat or mince words, I got straight to the point/purpose of my call,  “what are you doing?” He responded and I repeated his response, “You’re brown sugaring?” “No,” he laughed, “I’m outside smoking, but I like the sound of that better and plan to start doing that from now on.” As the night progressed, so did the brown sugaring. If I couldn’t find Dr. BJ, I would shout out, “Where are you?” He would reply, “Brown sugaring.” When I asked Disdain what made his spaghetti sauce so sweet, Dr. BJ suggested, “Brown sugaring.” When we watched Tosh.O, he would provide commentary, “Brown sugaring.”

After several hours with the boys I decided to go home. Dr. BJ had enjoyed a couple glasses of wine, Disdain had found satisfaction with a rum concoction, and I could tell by their demeanor that they were ready for some alone time; they were ready for some brown sugaring.

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