Slip, lick n’ sip

I’m learning, from DDDG, that Christmas is celebrated on the eve of the 24th, ‘Štědrý den’, in Czech Republic. Skiwi, however, prefers the celebrations on the 25th. Luckily, for them, they got to celebrate both this year – together for dinner on the 24th and with me, MiniMe, Dr. BJ and That’s Not Chinese on the 25th.

Skiwi surprised us all when he pulled out a pair of slippers and put them on, “I want to be comfortable.” Within no time, he had ditched the slippers and was showing off his socks, “They’re merino possum mink,” he proudly stated. “Very soft,” That’s Not Chinese commented. “I know,” Skiwi beamed with pride, “they’re from New Zealand.” “So you’re not going to wear your slippers now?” That’s Not Chinese asked. “No,” Skiwi replied, “I’m to the point now where I am getting very comfortable.”

We were enjoying wines from Argentina when That’s Not Chinese opened her gift from Dr. BJ, a wine carafe and two wine glasses. “Oh, I love threesomes!” she exclaimed. This comment jolted Skiwi from his state of comfort, merino possum fink feet cozied into his fetal-positioned body on the couch, he giggled and said, “Threesomes.”

There are many things Skiwi is, a night person, however, is not one of them. In his state of comfort he was falling in and out of the conversation. DDDG took this opportunity to give him some of his own medicine, “Come on, come on, be social, pumpkin,” she teased him. Skiwi felt this comment needed defending and replied, “I say those things to you because I want you to be social, so you can practice your English.” DDDG quipped, “My English is better than your Czech.” At which point That’s Not Chinese practiced her French, “Touché.”

As we sipped on our wine, which ‘splushed’ out of That’s Not Chinese’s new carafe, Skiwi and DDDG continued to amuse us with their stories. DDDG loves to dance and, on occasion, Skiwi joined her. This all stopped when Skiwi learned the club she frequented had couches, thus allowing him to prop his merino possum sock feet up on the ottoman and watch instead of participate. After that, instead of joining DDDG at the club, Skiwi would stay home and set the alarm to wake him at the time that DDDG usually returned home. “Why did you do that?” I asked. “I cuddle,” Skiwi shyly replied. “How sweet,” That’s Not Chinese sincerely added. “Shut up,” Skiwi retorted. “Not so sweet,” Dr. BJ sidemarked.

MiniMe had left this conversation to whip the cream for the pumpkin cake (I love my vegetables!) and re-entered the room to offer Skiwi one of the whipped cream covered beaters, “I’d offer the other beater to one of you guys, but I want it,” she told the rest of us. So, while she and Skiwi licked the beaters clean, Dr. BJ, That’s Not Chinese and I realized that DDDG was right – ‘Štědrý den’, translation generous day, had come and gone. The 25th of December was just another day on the calendar, a day on which we would not be getting a beater.

2 thoughts on “Slip, lick n’ sip”

  1. Not my best night, but it was lovely all the same.

    “That’s not Chinese”: Thanks for hosting – it was lovely. And our “bistro” is now official! Stop by, anytime!

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