mit Schuss

A coworker was born today (several years ago) and, although we are celebrating the day of her birth this weekend, I brought her gift to work. I carried it around with me the majority of the day, in hopes of running into her or having time in between meetings to take it to her. Unfortunately, today was busier than usual and I ended up carting it with me from meeting to meeting, in the elevator, down the halls, etc.

I’m sure this was a topic of conversation for several in the building because her gift wasn’t wrapped. So, in one hand I held my beloved coffee cup and in the other hand, or under my arm if I had other papers, was the unwrapped bottle of pinot grigio.

Mid-day was a holiday lunch meeting. We began talking about glass recycling and one of the attendees mentioned her city allows them to mix the glass with the other items in their recylcing bin. This is not the case in my city. I have to drive it to the nearest glass recycling bin, as does my boss. “It’s no big deal,” he said. “I just go there once a month and drop off my glass bottles.” “Once a month is good,” I said, “but by then your entire trunk is full of glass bottles and you look like an alcoholic.” It was at this point I realized perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned that little detail and I should get the gift to the coworker right quick.

A little while later I phoned my boss’ secretary, “Hey,” she said before I was able to begin the conversation, “Do you want to run a little errand and take me to that little store that you took me to last week?” “You mean the liquor store?” I asked. “Yes, that’s the one, let’s go there. I’ve got a couple of things I want to bake that call for rum.” I agreed to take her, again. I have to. Everything tastes better mit Schuss.

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