Bobby’s Girl

As girls often do, OregganO, MyFace, MiniMe and I discussed sex the other night. MyFace (I prefer this over Dallas) told us about a recently single friend, Bobby’s Girl, who had an interesting gynecology appointment. Her doctor completed the pap smear and then said, “What’s going on? Why aren’t you using this? You need to use this or you’re going to dry up.” Bobby’s Girl was stunned by her doctor’s comments, but even these comments didn’t prepare her for what her doctor prescribed, “You need to get a BOB. That’s right, a BOB. A battery operated boyfriend.”


A few weeks after the appointment, Bobby’s Girl decided to share the story with MyFace. “I don’t even know where to get a BOB,” she told MyFace. “I don’t either,” MyFace replied, “but I’ll check with my friend, she’ll know for sure.” Which is the real reason MyFace shared this story with us – she was hoping I would know where she could find ‘BOB’, because she would like to give him to Bobby’s Girl for Christmas. BOB – more than just a stocking stuffer and definitely the gift that keeps on giving (so long as you have batteries).

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