Pro. Beau? No!

Two Stamps and I attended the Men’s Golf Association dinner tonight and, as we were making our way, she informed me she planned to announce to everyone that I am next year’s beer cart girl. As we were driving we were discussing who would be in attendance and joking about the club where the dinner was being held. The long standing joke about this club is that the people who frequent it are 90 and older. Area Man and I were there about two years ago and decided there is one thing would make it better: a residential retirement center next door, so the patrons wouldn’t have to go too far to get home.

Two Stamps was telling me there really wouldn’t  be any dating prospects at the dinner and followed it up with, “Why date the customers when you can sleep with the pro?” Two Stamps runs the cafeteria at a golf course and, through this experience, has met and gotten to know, very well, one of the pros. I asked if he would be at the dinner and she replied, “No, but he wants me to stop by after – he said he needs two stamps.” Clever approach, throwing out the need for postal currency in an attempt to spork with Two Stamps. Even more clever if he requests the Forever stamps – Two Stamps will forever more be meeting his postal needs, even if he isn’t her beau, the man is truly a pro. No?

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