Drop the ‘ruckne’, insert ‘a’

Received an invitation to join FatGirl, Tree and Bias(s) at the symphony. They wanted to start the evening off right, so we decided to meet at my house for a drink prelude. Joining us for the prelude were Dr. BJ, Passed The Sniff Test and Skirt Chaser.

A few nights previous, Dr. BJ and I were discussing Gwyneth Paltrow’s cameo performance on Glee, which included cartwheel activity. I speculated that someone may have doubled for her because cartwheels aren’t easy. Dr. BJ disputed this claim, “Cartwheels are totally easy – everybody can do cartwheels.” We went back and forth on this topic and I shut it down by challenging Dr. BJ to do a cartwheel. “I’ll do one, I’m not ascared,” he informed me. “I just can’t do one right now, I’ve been drinking.”

The next night, as soon as Dr. BJ came home from work, I pulled out my phone, hit record and rolled, literally. Luckily, Dr. BJ was true to his word (and form), so I did as I promised: popped the cork, poured him a glass, and uploaded the videos to youtube.

We were sharing the videos with the boys when Dr. BJ decided to test all of their cartwheeling skills. Turns (cartwheel pun) out they are really good at cartwheels. Who knew?

The symphony started at eight and, at about 7:50, Tree, FatGirl, Bias(s) and I decided we had better get going – especially since we needed to hit the drive-thru for a nice meal. In honor of my new beau, Carl, we went to Carl’s Jr. As we were finishing our entrees, FatGirl was doing his best to find parking. Tree started teasing and poking FatGirl, which is usually something FatGirl does to Tree. I reminded them that the last time they did this someone ended up in a seedy motel. “It’s always my fault,” said FatGirl. “Only when it is,” Tree quipped.

We were approaching a red light when Tree excitedly asked, “Did you see that?” “What?” FatGirl and I responded in unison. “That guy was hitting on me from three cars away!” We didn’t see it and I’m not sure ‘that guy’ did either.

Once we finally made it to the symphony, we were told we would have to wait until intermission to enter the concert hall. As we sat in the lobby and listened to the music, we decided to Bach (aka, balk) the opportunity to listen to Bruckner’s ninth and last symphony and instead went to the bars. A simple transition, really, Brucknear. Looks like yogurt will have to remain my one and only source of culture.

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