Down with ‘The Brown’

Dr. BJ and I were at the grocery store the other day and, just as we were walking in, we saw a black man. Not a common occurence in this town – it is a lot like like Llanddewi Brefi and Dr. BJ is Daffyd – the only (black) ‘gayer’ in the village. I had made my way to the produce section when I saw, yet again, two more black men. Dr. BJ was quick to catch up with me and said, “Did you see those two checking you out? ‘The Brown’ are down with the round.” I politely replied, “Thank you for pointing that out Dr. BJ. I must inform you that before you I didn’t see color. Literally, I rarely if ever saw people of color in this little village.”

A few days later I was laying in bed when Dr. BJ came in to wish me a good morning before hopping in the shower, “Good morning! If you want to come in and blow dry your hair or do anything else while I’m in the shower, that’s fine – we can have a moment, a first time – we’ve never done anything like that.” I thanked him for his kindness and told him I would pass on sharing ‘the three s’ (shit, shower and shave).

S-Unit phoned me later that day and was telling me about her Dallas adventure. She was in Dallas on business and had hoped to meet a Texas Tycoon on the plane. As she held her zone 6 boarding pass and perused the other passengers she realized her hopes might not come to fruition. She did, however, see a lovely olive skinned prospect who, as luck would have it, was seated next to her on the plane. She wanted to speak to him the entire flight, but only mustered the courage during the last thirty minutes. He was shy, smart, sexy (another lovely three s combo), and from Brazil. “I just love those Latin lovers,” S-Unit exclaimed. “You are down with the brown,” I replied. “What is his name? Did you exchange numbers?” “His name is Pedro and I didn’t get his number. I tried to Google him, but I couldn’t find anything.” I was intrigued by the latter part of her response. “You tried to Google him? What was the subject line of your search?” She giggled and replied, “Pedro.” I’m afraid S-Unit may not get down with this brown.

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