Colloquially speaking

Hair has been a major topic of conversation for Dr. BJ and I lately. Of particular interest has been hair accessories. We were watching a documentary when I noticed one of the people being interviewed was donning an accessory from the ’80s. “She has a banana clip,” I noted. “She ain’t afraid of nothing,” commented Dr. BJ, “She’s brave enough to wear that?!?! Mmmm hmmm. Afraid of nothing!”

The very next day Dr. BJ returned from the barber. He is in the process of growing dreadlocks and is sporting a bit of a ‘fro right now. We were sitting around the table enjoying wine with OregganO and Passed The Sniff Test when Dr. BJ pulled a pick out of his pocket, stuck it in his hair and asked me, “Do you have a pick with a ‘Black Power’ fist on the end of it?” He could tell by the expression on my face that the answer was ‘no,’ but he continued, “You have everything. I thought maybe you could pull one out of your box.” The ‘costume’ part of box is implied.

Speaking of, as FatGirl would say, I woke up to find what I thought was an allergic reaction is actually a herpe which has decided to camp out on the right side of my lower lip. Dr. BJ comforted me by first responding to the sight of it, “Oh my, poor thing,” and then telling me he fully supported me.

I’ve never had a herpe before and definitely prefer to refer to it as a cold sore. I purchased a topical cream and had been applying it heavily in an attempt to shut that bad boy down quick. This approach made drinking difficult. Dr. BJ suggested I drink from only one side of my mouth, which seemed to work. To show support, OregganO also drank from one side of her mouth. I decided this moment should be complimented with Julie London singing jazz.  OregganO agreed and asked if it was a new CD. “New to me today,” I proudly replied, “Just got it from the library.” OregganO quipped, “Is there anything you can’t get from the library? Clearly you even get herpes there.” Colloquially speaking, one can get things from the library, but I usually just check them out, and I plan to check out  a book on herpes very soon.

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