
As has become our morning tradition, Dr. BJ peeked his head in my room this morning to wake me, “Good morning!” He pleasantly greeted me and continued, “Wow – not only are you in your bed, but you’re sleeping on the other side of the bed – that doesn’t happen very often!” “Good morning,” I groaned while doing my signature one-arm stretch. “Yes, I’m an equality opportunity sleeper and I give both sides of the bed a chance.”

It was at this exact time that a faint bzzzzzzz was heard. “Do I hear something vibrating?” asked Dr. BJ. “Yes,” I giggled and pointed over to the nightstand, “Over there.” “I keep mine on the side of the bed too,” stated Dr. BJ, “but I at least put it in a drawer.” I laughed a little more, then I reached over, hit ‘snooze’ on my alarm clock, and the buzzing stopped.


This little exchange reminded me of a story Patty Melt shared with OregganO and I while at our holiday hosting class. Apparently, her dad stayed at her house for a few days while she was on vacation. When she returned, she realized she had left  her vibrator out, next to her toothbrush, the entire time.


Patty Melt’s story sparked a very recent memory for OregganO. “Don’t mind that when we were there (at Patty Melt’s house) the other night, Cream Of Tartar decided to take a shower after a long day of fishing with Bus Driver. When we were driving home he told me your vibrator was in the bathtub.” “Oh, yeah, I know,” said Patty Melt, “If I had known he was going to shower, I would have put it away.” “Where is away?” I asked. “Next to the toothbrush,” Patty Melt quipped.

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