It’s a long story…

Once Sleepless and I boarded the plane and were “situated” for our flight home from Paris, we started talking about our personal lives. I asked Sleepless a very specific question and she responded, “It’s a long story.” I looked at her and said, “We have ten hours on this flight. When were you thinking would be a better time?” “Oh, yeah,” she giggled, and started talking.

As soon as I got home I headed out of town with Fru Fru Pants for a work-related adventure. As we were driving down the highway I was telling her stories about my European excursion and decided a disclaimer might be in order, “Being that I just got back, I may make a lot of weird noises.” “That’s OK,” she replied, “we can roll down the windows.” “I’m not going to fart!” I defiantly responded, “I just might make weird sounds every now and again, but I promise not to honk the horn.” On our way back from our work adventure I received a text from Sleepless inviting us to dinner. I extended the invitation to Fru Fru Pants and she respectfully declined, “I’ve got to practice violin. I’ve missed two rehearsals and must have 17 songs (many of which I played when learning piano 20 plus years ago) memorized by Saturday. A lot of the parents are really mad about it – they think it is too much for the kids to remember.” I told her I would love to attend her performance and then made an “A” sound.

After this, I met up with Sleepless, Screamer, FatGirl, LaLovely and her friend for dinner at Tree’s place of employment. We were discussing gay men, who have not yet come out, when FatGirl exclaimed, “I’ll take care of it – I’ll just go right over to the closet and say ‘If you’re not coming out, I’m going in!'” So tough of FatGirl. What was not so tough was when LaLovely invited FatGirl to join her for a pedicure, “I’d love to, it’s just, as I was walking to the restroom I remembered I have a big blister on my ankle from dancing and I’m thinking I might not be able to get a pedi.”

A little while later Tree checked in on us to see how we were doing. Reference was made to the care of Sleepless and FatGirl. Tree quickly responded, “I can barely manage to make myself feel good throughout the day. I can’t be responsible for these two.” Just soon after this conversation, Tree and FatGirl’s rooommate, Reflection, showed up to join us. As I was talking to Reflection about his life he informed me he was a lepretiger. Part leprechaun, part tiger. Sounds like a long story.

We left the eating establishment and made our way to the karaoke bar. Upon arriving, Reflection and Screamer took off their shirts. Karaoke Master quickly got on the mic, “Normally, we’re not supposed to take off our shirts, but it is just us here tonight.” Before we knew it, it was the first of a three part series of, “1st call for last call.” Screamer looked Sleepless’ way and said, “I haven’t had this much fun in three years.”

Reflection, however, could not be bothered with the details about last call. He was far more interested in the reflection he caught in the mirror(s). His frequent glances to the different mirrors were like a trainĀ  wreck – he could not stop looking. “I think he cheats on himself when he looks in another mirror.” I told Sleepless. “Good chance of that,” she replied, and then caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

A few minutes later I saw something happen that reminded me of Maverick Midget King and the pet chicken he wants to get. I’d share the details with you, but it’s a long story…..

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