I plumb recreationally

Dr. BJ has decided he would like to be a homeowner, so we met up with OregganO today to take a look at a few houses in the area. As we were househunting there were several times when Dr. BJ and I were doing what we’ve been doing a lot lately, finishing each other’s sentences. “Stop saying what I’m saying,” Dr. BJ exclaimed. “Wow,” OregganO commented, “you guys are freaking me out a bit.” “Don’t be freaked out,” I advised her, “We decided a while back that we are exactly like a married couple – in addition to finishing each other’s sentences, we don’t have sex. We don’t even spoon.”

As we arrived to a prospective new residence for Dr. BJ we noticed a sparkly green van. “We have seen more kidnapper vans today thatn I’ve seen in a long time,” commented Dr. BJ. “Location, location, location,” I stated. “Ah, but this one has fuzzy dice,” OregganO pointed out, “Fuzzy dice make everything better.” The missing piece to my puzzle – fuzzy dice. I’m heading straight to the store to buy some.

Later in the evening we celebrated our househunting adventure by going to a concert. As we were leaving the concert I ran into Mini Sparkle Donut’s brother, Nutella Croissant. He was attending a burlesque show and invited us to join him. Prior to doing so, and just after I introduced him to Dr. BJ, Sleepless and Tree, he shared a story with everyone. “I’ll never forget how much she used to tease me when I was a kid. She’d always ask me, ‘do you have hair down there yet?’ It’s cool though – we made out last year at the family Christmas party. Closed mouth, but still.”

As the night progressed, Nutella Croissant and I were talking about his various skills (labor, not biblical). Several years ago he was a plumbing apprentice, so I asked if he had any interest in doing that again. “I plumb recreationally,” he said with his best make out with me at a family party face, “I’m all about laying the pipe down.” As we were dropping him off at his house he started singing to us, “Adieu, adieu, I really enjoyed spending time with all of you. Hey, did I mention to you what she used to ask me when I was a kid?” “Yes, you did,” we all answered. “And we now know you close mouth kiss and plumb recreationally.”

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