I don’t run

D-Dog is in town and called to see if I might be able to hang out. As we were discussing options, we started reminiscing about previous times we have spent together. A lot of our time together takes place, late at night, in a piano bar. We quite enjoy this piano bar and have been known to spend several hours and several hundred dollars there. On one occasion, we were filmed by Butternut Squash, and later found we were on youtube. I must admit, it was a fabulous representation of the evening.

D-Dog had just watched the Rocky Horror Glee Show and was reminded of the time she and I did The Time Warp on stage at the piano bar. As soon as she mentioned it, I was also vividly reminded. “I’m glad that wasn’t filmed,” D-Dog stated. “Oh, it probably was,” I didn’t reassure her, “it’s probably on youtube and other parts of the world wide web.” “Well at least they don’t know who we are,” D-Dog responded. “No, not now,” I said, “but maybe they’ll figure it out if we run for office or something.” “Good point, huh,” D-Dog muttered while contemplating the realities of this idea. “I’m not too worried about it,” I told her, “everyone knows I don’t run for anything – not for office and, like YummYummy, not even for the ice cream truck.” “True,” D-Dog agreed, “but what if you are elected as a write-in?” “Definitely something to consider, but I don’t think being in the political position is the thing that will get me in trouble.” D-Dog quipped, “Right, it is probably the sexual position that will get you in trouble.”

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