Xtra Special

Met with Oreggano after work today to plan our holiday gifts. Last year we made homemade gifts for everyone, including ourselves, and they were very well received (especially by us) so we decided to do it again. As we were discussing different ideas we came up with the second best idea we’ve ever had – a televised holiday special. Yes, we plan to do a talk show for the holidays.


Within seconds we had a director, camera girl, editor, host and co-host. We then came up with loads of ideas for the show. I’d share all of them with you, but I don’t want to give up your gift. I will, however, tease you with some of the guest ideas: unicyclist (preferably one who eats fire); tap dancer; someone who can finish a floor; hula hooping Italian; dog walkers; sidewalk chalkers; horse whisperers; handstanders; really good bed makers; regifters; Cajun man who talks funny, cooks really well and drinks a lot (preferably on set); a Brit speaking French in Russian; someone whose laugh makes Bowl Full of Jelly seem passe; ethnic person dancing to Sammy D Jr;  and a winking, good shoe-tie-er who keeps a secret. These guests will all most likely be in Act One. Act Two still has some openings.


Oreggano and I are confident it will be a hit and go viral very soon, most likely over night. It truly is an xtra special holitastic production. Holitastic, not to be confused with the holocaust.

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