Choice, not chance

A lot of learning makes me really hungry. Actually, a lot of anything makes me really hungry. Being that I spent a lot of my youth in this little resort/conference town, I knew of the perfect ‘greasy spoon’ diner to grab breakfast (which was technically now lunch or as the city slickers call it, ‘brunch’).

Upon entering I knew we were in for something decadent. The diner had old school stools at the bar and shiny silver booths (if the bar wasn’t your ‘thing’) in the main section. In addition, there was a dining room in the back – for those wanting a fine dining experience. I decided to check out the dining room and found it to be exquisite. You step down (and you know you are stepping down because of the yellow and black hazard tape on the steps and the handwritten ‘watch your step’ sign taped to the door) into what reminded me of a 1970s teacher’s lounge. Chintzy tables complimented by  chintzy chairs. No table decorations, no pictures on the walls. The perfect setting for a white trash wedding reception.

I went back to our booth and suggested Sleepless and Passed The Sniff Test take a few minutes to experience fine dining – living in the big city one can easily take such things for granted. They did so and, after wanting to live like the Joneses, we reviewed the menu. Across the top of the menu their slogan read, ‘Where you eat by choice, not by chance.’ Take that all of you reality tv shows about losing weight! After perusing the menu I chose to order bacon and eggs with a side of toast, hasbrowns and a buckwheat pancake. The buckwheat pancake is a dish all on it’s own, so when the waitress brought my order to the table it took up a good portion of the space. This, and the fact that we were the ‘one of these kids is not like the others’, drew attention from a table of three men:  one with a bluetooth in his ear, one wearing a utility workers shirt, and the third in a large orange shirt smattered with grease and food stains. The guy in the orange shirt definitely stood out and it was clear that was by choice, not chance.

We were still eating when the three men decided to leave the diner. As they were doing so, Orange Shirt panned our table (maybe longing for my meal) and then gave Passed The Sniff Test a ‘look’. “Did you see that?” I asked Passed The Sniff Test. “He just kicked your ass with his eyes.” “I saw it and I felt it,” Passed The Sniff Test replied. “Yeah, he is definitely keeping with the slogan,” I replied. “He did that to you by choice, not by chance.”

When we finally left, or rolled out of the diner – I think I ate half of a pig and I know Passed The Sniff Test did because his slice of ham still had bone intact – we decided, yes we chose, we were definitely coming back soon. The food is great, but more importantly, I’m hoping to see Orange Shirt again – we may have a wedding to plan soon and I know just the place for the reception…..

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