Check, check. Uh huh, uh huh.

Everybody’s day starts at a different hour. Sometimes because of the time zones and most times just because. Today, our day started around 11. YummYummy and I woke up to find a note from Sleepless, “Went to breakfast, be back soon.” Nothing like a back soon note to start your day.


Within no time, Sleepless was back and Good Eye Money Guy and I’ll Drink It were waiting for us outside, “Grab your bags and go outside,” I’ll Drink It instructed, “Quick, we’re double parked.” And within minutes we were leaving Manhattan and on our way to the Hamptons.


Once we arrived, we lounged a bit and then played some Boggle – QuQueen and The Leaver would be so proud. Good Eye Money Guy was making up all kinds of tricks to score points, with his main “play” being “getting it as many ways as I can.” After we played several games YummYummy gave us some “tests.” “I like knowing tidbits about my friends and sometimes I like to give them tests, like, can you write your name backwards…in cursive, and can you put you leg over your head?” We could, and we did.


After passing the friend test we headed into East Hamptons and Amagansett for triple Ds: drinks, dinner and dancing. The band at the bar, Check, Check, Uh Huh, Uh Huh, was off the hook. They didn’t have to bring the 80s back – they never let it go. Nor did we, and we fully appreciated the stage time with Bono-be.


We returned from the bar – Sleepless, YummYummy and I had a pillow fight photo shoot – and then waited for Good Eye Money Guy to make brownies. Before the brownies were baked, one of the guys from the bar showed up at the door. “What do I do?” asked Sleepless. “I’m not drunk enough to have sex.” Good Eye Money Guy, who is very protective of Sleepless and always about the money, immediately starting talking complete bullshit and walked Bar Guy out to the barn to grab a beer. Upon their return we knew questions were in order. “What did he tell you?” we asked Bar Guy. “The deal was I pay $5,000 to stay the night here,” said Bar Guy, “regardless of who I sleep with.” I have a feeling Bar Guy’s ROI won’t be too good and the question he asked, after a few minutes of hanging out with us, could be the determining factor, “I have a question….are there parents here?” Wow. None of us are drunk enough for that one.


Except Good Eye Money Guy. He and If You Don’t Want It I’ll Drink It have been together for about 18 months. “I love my life,” said Good Eye Money Guy, “I haven’t had this much sex since I was a boy scout.” Check, check, uh huh, uh huh.


A few minutes and dance moves later Good Eye Money Guy had a message for Bar Guy, “Go fuck yourself. No, really, go fuck yourself. Bathroom is to the right. There’s lube, there’s chocolate sauce. We’ve got whatever you need, and whatever we need, and right now we need you to go fuck yourself.” Another check, check, uh huh, uh huh.

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