That’s BW!

As is often the case, Sleepless, OregganO and I made “big” plans while we were drinking. This time, the plans involved a barbecue. Sleepless is housesitting at a fantastic pad with an incredible patio, so we thought, “Why not!?!”

Cream of Tartar had promised to be the grillmaster, just prior to sharing a serious story with one shoe on – so, unfortunately, we had to reallocate barbecue duties. I was working the grill and chatting with Tree about work. “That’s why I work at a restaurant,” said Tree. “When its slow, I just drink.” OregganO piped in, “I drink at work sometimes too.” I then reminded her that she works from home.

As we were sitting out on the deck, a couple of things happened. I was feeding OregganO her Jell-O shot, it dripped down her chin, and FatGirl ran over and “licked it up.” This so-not-gay activity had all of us laughing, when all of a sudden FatGirl looks at all of us and says, “What? It tastes better on her face.”

Skiwi and Disco Dancing Dog Groomer surprised us by showing up on their bikes. Skiwi took a quick glance around the room and said, “We rode our bikes to a covert area, donning our covert cooler packed with ice, wine and two Elmo cups, and waited to see what happened.” Looks like this is what happened.

Being that the weather was so nice, we decided it might be good to compliment it with some music. Sleepless quickly ran into the house to locate some music and returned with a small white object. “Is this an iPod?” “No,” I had to disappoint her, “It is a remote.”

We later headed to a local dive bar (yes, we do a dive bar circuit) where FatGirl proceeded to muck with Right Rear – constantly trying to grab Right Rear’s pecks when Right Rear said, “Watch it Stewie, I know your tricks.” Dr. BJ looked at me and shouted, “Right that shit down! That’s BW!”

4 thoughts on “That’s BW!”

  1. During the aforementioned BBQ we also discussed a possible get together for Thursday at “The Bistro”. We have our out of town guests confirmed (2) – are the ‘grigiogirl locals’ going to show? Post on this blog by noon Thursday if you’ll be in attendance! We have lasagna for 7 – I may need to buy, I mean prepare, more!

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention: pavlova for dessert!

  2. If you are just now reading this – just show up – it should be fun, especially if you are there. Regular conspirators/readers know – it’s always OK to show up even before the host arrives. 🙂

  3. Skiwi, thank you for the fabulous blogvite and even more fabulous dinner and dessert.
    Tile, it has been too long – glad you enjoyed the burger. Turns out, I’m the grillmaster:)

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