Supporting the Crue

S-Unit and I started our morning sipping coffee and watching The View. Dr. Oz was a special guest on the show, “My mom loves Dr. Oz,” said S-Unit. “She has a journal where she is constantly noting his advice. In fact, she goes only by two books in life: the bible and Dr. Oz notes.”

Once we were ramped up on caffeine we walked to the mall. This is a six mile walk (to/from) and the weather was perfect. We stopped at the Container Store and I bought every knick knack they had, including the Little Miss Helpful Bruise Soother. We were making our way back home when a curb got in the way of S-Unit’s graceful demeanor – she went down fast. The interesting thing about her fall is it was rather long and full of a lot of movement. I immediately asked her several questions: “Are you OK? Did you twist your ankle? Do you want to borrow my bruise soother? Should we call your mom to see what Dr. Oz would do?” Luckily, she was fine and we continued on our merry, yet, not so graceful way.

Once on her rooftop patio we laid back on the chaise lounges and, each armed with a French phrase book, attempted to learn and speak French. After an hour or so of trying we determined we barely speak conversational English, so this French thing may not work out for us. We do, however, now know how to ask “Ou est la salle de bain?” A muy importante phrase.

We spent the evening at a charity event in downtown LA. The cause was education related and when we pulled up to valet we were greeted by a sign that read, Supporting the Cure,” and, right below that, “Supporting the Crue.” Being someone who went to school in the 80s, I was excited to learn the event was for both education and Motler Crue.

As we approached the bar we found they had cocktails specific to the event. I opted for an event cocktail while S-Unit and No Onions opted for their regular beverage, Ketel One and soda. We went back for a second round and I tried to upsell them on my drink, “You should do The Teacher. I did last round and it was great.”

After a couple of teachers, we left the event and immediately drove to the closest Taco Bell for another fine drive-thru dining experience. Last night, no onions. Tonight, no tomatoes. “I like tomatoes,” said No Onions, “but I like S-Unit more and she doesn’t like them, so I don’t get them.” So sweet – she definitely supported both the cure and the crue tonight.

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