Second date-in bed

Dr. BJ woke me this morning as he was headed off to work, “Good morning. I’m heading out and I’m taking the bus. Aren’t you proud of me?” I told him I was and asked that he send me a text so I knew he arrived safely. About 30 minutes later he sent a text saying he was safe and sound. I replied, “Good to hear. Me too, in bed.”

I finally got up, worked for a few hours and spent the rest of the day getting ready for my second date. Which basically means I ate Pirate’s Booty while watching Trailer Park Boys. I was just finishing watching the movie when I received a text from Dr. BJ. “I’m working on my notes- in bed. I just went to the bathroom- in bed. I’m having meetings- in bed. Love this game! Hope you enjoyed your day in bed.” I replied, “Just watered my yard-in bed. Watched Trailer Park Boys-in bed. Checked the weather-in bed.”

Before I knew it Dr. BJ was home from work and we were sipping mojitos on the stoop. OregganO and Sleepless stopped by to join in the date preparation activities. We ventured to my bedroom to begin packing. I packed while OregganO and Sleepless provided commentary-in bed. I bent over to grab something and they noticed I was wearing knickers. “You’re wearing panties!?!?” Sleepless shouted, “Why? You never do that.” Even OregganO appeared to want the answer so there was no getting out of a response. “The thing is, I watched Trailer Park Boys today and the TP girls’ thongs were about two inches above their skirts – which just seemed right. I’m going to Canada and I want to dress like the Canadians do. Besides, its a second date with JB and I’m not packing extra pants.”

We then finished our drinks and I went downstairs to say goodbye to Dr. BJ. He was on his computer-in bed.

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