Not gold, but platinum

Met up with Sleepless and Miss Information for lunch today. We picked a posh little restaurant with a decent lunch special. Upon arriving, I opted to use the making room room. I got back there to find a woman deeply involved in a telephone conversation in the area between the sink and the stalls. “There is woman doing business in the making room room,” I informed Sleepless and Miss Information. “Its the making room room,” said Miss Information, “you’re suppose to ‘do your business’ there.”

Speaking of business, it has been a while since Fru Fru Pants and I have hung out and it is nice to know she hasn’t changed a bit. After attending a meeting we decided to leave my car at that location and walk to the next meeting, which was at the Courthouse. We approached the security area when Fru Fru Pants informed me, “I can’t go in. I’ve got a knife in my purse.” She asked the officer if he could hold it for her and he kindly told her no. We decided it would be best if I just went in without her and she could wait patiently outside. I did so and as we were leaving the courthouse she told me she and the officer spent the majority of the time playing, “can you find the knife.” They did this by running her purse through the x-ray machine several times until he found the knife, albeit pocket knife, and not her chapstick.

After work, Sleepless and Passed The Sniff Test joined Dr. BJ and I for dinner. BeauD and Spicoli showed up right soon after. BeauD was celebrating his birthday and appeared to have spilled a substantial amount of red fluid on his shirt. “It’s not his fault,” said Spicoli. “They were literally pouring the sangria down his throat and it looks like some landed on his shirt.”

 Not wanting to waste an evening out because of a shirt stain, we decided to meet up with Tree at a local pub for $3 drafts. Because it was BeauD’s birthday, he got a slightly more expensive beer. Spicoli finished off his slightly more expensive beer and then headed to the bar with an order, “I’ll have something like this,” he requested while gesturing toward BeauD’s glass, “but in the $3 range.” He then looked at BeauD and I and proclaimed, “I may not be gold, but I’m platinum.”

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