Made (popular) in China

Dr. BJ and I have developed a bit of a morning ritual. He usually gets up around 5:30 and then heads out to the gym and work. Prior to leaving, we’ll chat a bit and I’ll wake up.  The morning after prom-aoke, Dr. BJ decided to skip the gym and got up later than usual. After he finished showering he peeked his head in my room to wish me good morning and then said, “Oh my. You’ve still got the updo from last night.” I had completely forgotten about the updo and looked in the mirror to find a reminder of the evening.
Updo and bedhead all in one shot – I’m a lucky girl. Good thing the papparazi don’t know where I live. I decided to continue to work on my hair by going back to bed. While in bed, I was reminded of a question posed to me by Sleepless after I told her about my morning salutations from Dr. BJ, “So do you guys spoon for a little bit, like ten minutes,  before he leaves?” How did she know? Has she been checking my ten-minute egg timer? “Um, no,” I told her, “That would be weird. I mean, for starters, just doing it once would be odd enough, but every day? Awkward!” I told Dr. BJ about her question and he replied, “I’m going to surprise you with a ‘spoon’ one morning just to fuck with you.” I think a spoon and fuck is actually known as a spork. This could get interesting.
I finally got my updo undone and went to work. While at work I was contemplating some of my ‘To Do’ list for the weekend when I was reminded of a text that Tree sent to me a while back when I was at work and unable to join him for festivities, “Your job is getting in the way of me having a good time.” He is on to something – I really need to figure out a way to fund my ‘lavish lifestyle’ without working.
After finishing a long day at work, OregganO and I met Creme Pour La Femme at a local coffee shop. He was recently in China and had the opportunity to party with his driver, Danger Danger, and several other locals each night at one of the popular city bars. Danger Danger taught Creme Pour La Femme a dice game and, in return, Creme Pour La Femme taught him and other patrons a Jenga style dice game. “They loved it – it spread faster than the viruses I got while I was there.” Creme Pour La Femme quite liked his time and new friends in China. So much so, he is going back again in a few weeks. “They like me there.” I saw the pictures and, yes, they do – he was definitely made popular in China.

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