Cardma. Like karma, but with a ‘c’ and a ‘d’.

Having just returned from Chicago, I had decided it might be a good idea to stay in one night – relax, read a book, think about life. Dr. BJ also thought this might be wise. So, even though I was again heading out of town, I had resigned to the idea of staying in. Until, a few hours away from my destination, I got a call from Blackjack and Prime Rib wanting to know if I would be joining them for an evening of discount dining and gambling – I caved. Over the weekend, She’s A Hard One and I had discussed my ongoings, “I think you don’t know how to say ‘no,'” she said. “It’s not entirely that,” I replied. “I just have a horribly hard time declining when something sounds fun.” Case in point: discount dining and gambling.


After enjoying a spectacular meal, we hit the tables. Well, Blackjack and Prime Rib hit the $2 tables and I made my way to the penny slots. I enjoyed the slots at the amazing price of approximately $3/minute. I decided my money wouldn’t last much longer if I stayed at the slots so I cut my losses and headed over to the $2 table. Blackjack was doing great – he was winning one hand after another. Prime Rib wasn’t doing too bad himself – although he was doing a much better job having Blackjack order his drinks. I finally joined in the mix and was doing pretty well – my cost to gamble actually went from $3/minute to $3/hour. We were discussing whether winning was a result of luck, talent or good living. Blackjack glanced up from his cards, gave a sly nod and said, “Cardma.”

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