
Alice and I are always looking to learn new things and, as of late, language has been our passion. We decided to look into learning French at the local high school, however opted out when we learned the instructor is Chinese. Je ne comprends pas. We realize we could be making a mistake, assuming a Chinese person cannot teach us French, when- in fact- this may be the best way to learn. Let’s not forget we took Italian from an Italian and learned nothing other ‘hoha hola’ and ‘vaffanculo’.

I was speaking (conversational English) with Alice and suggested we learn the Official 10-Code with, of course, the assistance of Google. Alice agreed and then advised me my neighbors had stopped by her house because they’re interested in having chickens and a chicken coop — in my yard. “Are they 10-96?” I asked. “I’m kidding. I don’t care if they do that. I just don’t want rats.”

“You know,” said Alice, “Hot Mustard just sits out on the porch with a BB gun and waits for rats. Those were good times, when we shot rats.” Those were good times – shooting rats. ‘Learning’ Italian – 10-74.

3 thoughts on “10-9?”

  1. sounds more like a 10-10

    I like this new language, I have been studing for our next class!

  2. I will have to inform Hot Mustard that he is our 10-74, each rat could be a possible 10-54

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