Toggling and Ogling

Started the day off right with a bike ride and  coffee with Fru Fru Pants. We’ve both been practicing retirement for some time and today was no exception. We toggled the streets until we stumbed upon a coffee shop with tasty pastries and then found a spot on the patio where we could eat, drink and people watch.

A few minutes into our rehearsal retirement Fru Fru Pants noticed someone in a vehicle who was intently looking our way and who she considered suspicious (neighborhood watch – a retirement must). I slyly glanced in the direction of the suspect and quickly realized it was Very Interested. Turns out, he too was practicing retirement this morning and just happened to be in my neck of the woods. We chatted for a while and then Fru Fru Pants and I departed for more street toggling and people ogling.

Fru Fru Pants, unfortunately, had to return to work and I, fortunately, did not. I spent the rest of my day dawdling around town, hanging out with various friends and family, changing my hair (looks like I’m no longer Greek – black hair is gone – may be Irish now), stooping with Skiwi, doing caraoke with MiniMe and LuLu, and pondering the concept of instrumental breaks.

It was during the last bit of activity that I decided I’ve got to figure out how to make this retirement gig a full-time job. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to make it happen, but I have a feeling it may involve a large inheritance, a small pension, superior shuffleboard skills, and master level toggling and ogling. So far, I’ve got two of the five criteria – well on my way!

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