They do and they will

Acting natural can be very exhausting and, as a result, both Dr. BJ and I slept in until the early afternoon. Since moving in, we have stooped everyday. Dr. BJ is not new to the stooping concept – he has “been around the stoop” once or twice. Which might make him a connoiseur of stoops, so it was a great compliment when he told me how much he liked my stoop. Reminded me a bit of the day before, with Tree, when he told me that he had told Screamer, “I’m only friends with her because of her stoop.” I feel so dirty!

After taking my time to wake up I went outside to observe my garden. I noticed the mint was doing exceptionally well and, as a result, decided to make mojitos.

Alice and I were planning to attend a neighborhood party so I sent her a text inviting her over for mojitos. She replied, “bottom of 9th, be right ova.” Anyone who knows Alice knows she loves the New York Yankees and, thanks to the Yankees, she was in a fine mood when she came ova.

One thing about Alice is she is loyal. She was wearing a lovely long summer dress with a Yankees T-shirt over the top. Her dress reminded me of a “situation” Sleepless has been experiencing when she goes sans brazziere. Alice generously offered advice, “Tell her what works, because I have breastfeeding nipples: band aids.”  Band aids – who knew?

As Dr. BJ and I were enjoying the mojitos, he noticed Alice was not, because she had her ‘coffee’. Dr. BJ was perplexed that she would be drinking coffee on this hot summer afternoon – until she refilled her cup with red wine – her mobile coffee consumption then made perfect sense.  Ah, I do love the many things Alice and I have in common.

It was right about this time a topless man ran down the street. Another thing we all have in common: an interest in topless passersby. This reminded Alice of recent activity in her neck of the hood.

Lately, when Alice isn’t watching baseball, she is doing mobile watch for Urban Forestry. She has witnessed several large branches go down, “one when I had just shut my door to come over here.” As a result, she has Urban Forestry on her speed dial. When they can’t get there right away, she calls Doug’s Trees. “They come, they’re young, they don’t wear shirts and they’ll tear your limbs down. No, seriously, they do and they will.”

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