If only they had rings….

Today was a pretty exciting day because it was my first time working as a beer cart girl. My shift was short – don’t want to take this gig for granted – just long enough to cater all 18 holes and make a few dollars in tips. Emphasis on few.


Later in the day I met up with Sleepless, Johnny Utah, Add-ly and Pass The Sniff Test for a little RockBand-PAL-ooza. I had RSVPed via Facebook, but Sleepless did not – she doesn’t like everyone knowing her agenda. There were several others, however, who RSVPed for three – that count includes “the girls.” Weekends seem to be the most common time for women to take the girls out for a peek at the real world. And there were several girls out tonight.


There was a silent auction at the event and I assumed my self-appointed role as Price Driver. I outbid people until the price was at a range I felt was fair and then I stopped “driving.” Pass The Smell Test offered to help out with this process, “I can give you a boost. By boost, I mean I’ll put you on my shoulders. Both of you, Sleepless too. We can double up.” He works out.


The Leaver and QuQueen invited us to join them at The Poon for dancing opportunities where “guys aren’t grinding up against you.” Pass The Sniff Test opted to go to The Poon with us. The Leaver had danced to several songs and finally decided to take a break, “I’m about to pass out. I’m not in good health and you’ve got me out there dancing to Footloose and Love Shack. I mean, do you understand what this means to me?” Pass The Sniff Test then decided to try cage dancing for a minute, “If they had rings I could do so much more – I may not have dance moves, but I can move heavy shit.”

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