
Fru Fru Pants celebrated her birthday this weekend and, in honor of her amazing prowess and youth, we decided to go golfing. As is often the case, we rented a cart and played the three par course. As is not often the case, we had to report to work afterwards, so some of our traditions were shelved…we’ve always tomorrow.

Fru Fru Pants wears the pants in our golfing relationship and, as a result,  often drives the cart. Mid-course, she got a phone call and allowed me to drive. I did so from the passenger side. I could have moved to the driver’s side, but I’m in the process of updating my resume and want to include, “can drive cart from both sides.”

Later in the day I met up with Sleepless for a lovely run around the local park. That’s right, I used lovely and run in the same sentence. Will not happen again (both the sentence structure and the run). We came back to my place for water and otter pops (to protect our sugar levels). After hanging on the stoop for a bit I decided to mow the lawn. One more opportunity to ramp up my resume. Sleepless and I felt an accompanying photo would help, so I donned my wellies, primed the mower, pulled the cord,  and we were well on our way to success.

3 thoughts on “Par-tee”

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