One day….


Back to where I left off yesterday when I was talking about Sleepless and I at the hotel. We have a few friends who plan to borrow our room intermittently throughout the conference so we decided to request a few extra room keys. We told the clerk we needed an extra card or two for a friend/coworker. “Uh huh, sure you do girls.” Sleepless leaned in to me and whispered, “Thats the second time this weekend that someone has called us ‘girls'”. Apparently the “uh huh” response did not phase her.

We spent our day obliging people and then retired to the room for a bit of a break. We were swapping different stories about the daily exchanges when Rodeo Star piped in, “One day, when you’re hanging out with me and I haven’t taken my Aterol yet, I’ll be the most  random person you know.” Seems like “one day” may very well be right now. Later, we were sharing the story with OregganO and Sleepless relayed the experience and added, “And then everybody was laughing because it was funny and I laughed and let them have there moment before I asked. ‘what is aterol?” So glad I don’t have to wait one more day to hang out with them!

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