
MissInformation was working with Sleepless and I at the 36th Annual Information Desk when I suggested one of the conference participants take a trip up the canyon to see the mounains. MissInformation was not pleased. “There is a ‘t’ in there and it is not silent. Unless, you live in Uah.” Looks like I’m in the clear! And I’m pleased with MissInformation’s concern for the ‘t’ – I’ve had this same concern before in the wine store.

I visited an open-air mall/eating establishment at lunch and observed a baby, strapped to his mother’s body in a pouch sling, who was consuming a milkshake – occassionally popping off the nip – while his right-breast exposed mom pushed the pram filled with three other kids. Luckily, for her and all of those who got to witness this activity, breastfeeding is exempt from public indecency laws in this state.

What is not exempt, however, was the alarming sight Sleepless and I witnessed while driving on the interstate later in the day. We had headed South for a bit and were making our way back to the hotel when we noticed a well-fed Texan in the passenger seat of a massive RV, totally Team Jacobing (translation: topless male), while holding his junk. Pretty sure that is a misdemeanor, though I’m unsure which letter, A, B, or C – no silent ‘t’.

Wanting to get away from that not so easy on the eyes visual as soon as possible, we hopped in the HOV lane. We phoned MissInformation to let her know what we were doing and she replied, “I’m pretty sure the V is silent.”

Upon entering our room, MissInformation presented a folded piece of paper to me. The outside read “Love Letter.” Inside was a note from the A/V guy with questions about tomorrow’s presentation, a few XOXOXOs and a question at the end, “Will you meet me at 6:45 in the morning? Check here for yes or here for no.” Nothing is more romantic than a letter from a contracted A/V guy requesting that you be up and ready hours before you are usually even considering getting up.

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