Its the dresses

Saw a sketch the other day that reminded me of Tree and I tooling around Farmer’s Market, so I suggested he don a bandana around his neck and a pair of short shorts – nothing else – and I would don a short blonde wig and fitted t-shirt and we could head down to the market. We ended up doing only the latter and had the privilege of having Disco Dancing Dog Groomer in our mix.

Skiwi phoned us while we were out and asked my birth month and year – he had stumbled upon a stack of vintage Playboy magazines at a yard sale and was hoping to surprise Disco Dancing Dog Groomer and I with magazines respective of our birth. Unfortunately, they did not have those particular magazines. Skiwi was very disappointed because he felt a gift such as this is not only thoughtful, it is blogworthy. There you go Skiwi. See, it is the thought that counts.

As Disco Dancing Dog Groomer and I were approaching her driveway we found Skiwi, sans shirt, washing the car. Upon seeing us he put his shirt on and said, “Wouldn’t want the both of you to see my beefcake.” A few minutes later I advised him his zip was down. “See what I mean?” he said. “Beefcake.”

We decided to attend an arts festival at a local resort town where we knew MyFace was volunteering (at the beer tent, of course). Sleepless, Disco Dancing Dog Groomer and I all donned lovely summer dresses – Skiwi was pleased with this fashion decision. Skiwi was contemplating, out loud, where we should park. “We could do have a drink at the lodge and take advantage of the free valet. No, the main street is closed. We could ride the bus. No, we’re not bus people. I would never have you ladies ride the bus, not in those dresses – even if it is a posh bus.” After frequenting the many vendors we enjoyed a lovely meal in celebration of Skiwi and Disco Dancing Dog Groomer’s anniversary – turns out, they met at this arts festival fifteen years ago. We were invited to attend a gallery open house where the artist was going to finish his airbrush painting of an almost nude model. “See,” said Skiwi. “Its the dresses.” As the model was assuming her position her sheet gave. Money shot. As YummYummy likes to say, “Gash is cash.” Skiwi was a bit surprised by this occurrence and when we asked him about it he said, “I couldn’t look. I get blushy.”

After the cash shot we headed to MyFace and Handsome Cowboy’s place for a little Tuaca. This is our new evening sipper beverage. Handsome Cowboy had the whole place ready for us – candles lit, lights dimmed, high ball glasses out. It had been a bit of a day for everyone but Sleepless and I so they decided to call it a night and Sleepless and I headed to my place for karaoke and Just Dance with Add-ly and Johnny Utah. Johnny Utah was pleased with the Philippines’ version of karaoke and everybody loved Just Dance. After enjoying delicious freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, we sang and danced until it was a brand new day. Skiwi was right, it was the dresses – promising goodness all day and into the night!

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