Gay and Talented

This weekend was full of gayness -all kinds. In Amsterdam, my friends were celebrating Fruitcake Gay Pride at COC and here, in my little city, we were celebrating Gay Day at a local amusement park. Pre-park we decided to grab brunch with Tree, Screamer and some of their friends. Upon arriving two things happened: 1) the hostess asked Sleepless and I if we just ran a marathon because we were “dressed the same,” 2) Tree saw us and immediately said, “You are the gayest thing I’ve seen all day!” Always good to know I’ve dressed for the occasion. While eating, Tree apologized for arriving late, “Sorry I was late, I was listening to Stevie Nicks, Foreigner and Denise Williams.” Fair enough. One can’t get upset with another when they’ve got good taste in music. As we finished brunch the server was making her way around the table to find out who was sharing a check and who was splitting. I wasn’t paying attention and responded, “Split.” Sleepless gave me a surprised look, because we usually share the check equally. The server was walking away so I shouted her way, “We’re together.” Outed at the pub on Gay Day.

Sleepless and I rode with Tree and Screamer to the park. “I’m so excited,” said Screamer, “I just love amusement parks. I’m just so excited – I could scream!” As soon as we arrived we were mapping out our ride plan. Tree announced he wanted to go to the bathroom and on the new roller coaster. Sleepless replied, “Well, you’re going to have to make a choice because they are both rides….in a way.” Definitely going to have to pay more attention to Sleepless next time she is in the making room room. We rode a few of the rides, heeding Screamer’s advice, “Just close your eyes, put your hands in the air, and scream.” This advice reminded Sleepless and I of a few days ago when we were listening to a band play while at lunch. My hands were full (ribs and the like) and the band had just finished a song so, instead of clapping, I screamed. Sleepless liked this approach however asked why I didn’t just clap. I replied, “When your hands are full and your mouth is not, scream.”

Speaking of a handful, Oh Heyyyyy! arrived within an hour or so of us being there to join in the festivities. Oh Heyyyyy! was wearing the hell out of some very short corduroy shorts and was worried it might result in an ‘appearance’. Sleepless and Screamer were both good to let Oh Heyyyyy! know of any possible cameos. Throughout the day Oh Heyyyyy! received several phone calls and the majority of the calls went something like this, “Oh Heyyyyy! Yeah, I’m at an amusement park. Mmmm hmmm. Gay day. Yes, yes, you know it. Oh, yes, I need a drink. Some Grey Goose for sure. Uh huh. OK honey, you know I’ll see you soon. Bye.” Oh Heyyyyy! was definitely fun to have around – for us and everyone in close, or not so close, proximity.

As we were waiting in one of the longer lines Sleepless and I were singing various songs at various pitches and keys. Tree looked horrified, Screamer was looking on at the ride and Oh Heyyyyy! had pity on us, “Oh that is very nice. You are both gay and talented.” Sleepless laughed and whispered in my ear, “Both not true.” Oh Heyyyyy! was kind again, “No, really, you’re gay, like happy, and talented.” Ah, so sweet. I wish every day was Gay Day, everywhere!

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