Stopping (air) Traffic

MyFace, Sleepless and I decided to go to Colorado for the weekend. We actually made the decision and booked flights over a month ago.
MyFace is pretty adament about not checking bags, so I forewarned Sleepless. Sleepless and I planned to meet MyFace at the airport and had hoped to catch up with MiniMe because she was heading to Portland at the same time.
Prior to leaving my house I searched and searched for my itinerary – I could not find it. I finally surrendered to the idea that I may not have actually booked it (been there, done that) and would be buying a ticket at the airport.
Because I like to mess with MyFace, while we were waiting to check in I sent her a text and asked her the flight time. Her reply, “Now, you should be here.”
Turns out, I did actually book my ticket.Sleepless and I giggled about my situation until they couldn’t find her ticket. Turns out that even if you have an itinerary and confirmation number (which she did), it doesn’t mean anything. Sleepless had to buy a ticket. While they were trying to resolve the issue, they had to make a call to hold the plane. Nothing like stopping air traffic.
As we were taking our time going through security (we weren’t really taking our time, but we figured since they were already holding the plane…), things got a bit jammed up, literally.
The woman in front of us had packed jam in her carry-on and TSA staff were not happy about it. Luckily, TSA let us pass her by and as we quickly made our way to the gate Sleepless stated, “If it is Bear Lake jam it is totally worth the risk.” Totally.

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