Please disperse

After a twelve-hour power nap, YummYummy and I decided to head to Nations Cafe for french toast, waffles, bacon, eggs and mimosas. Great way to wake up! It was at Nations that we decided to log a few of this weekend’s comments/conversations:

I only like to steal things when people aren’t looking.

I have to tell you, there’s some shit you’ll see and it’s not a side, it’s an entree.

My shorts are going up my ass. It’s because you’re hungry.

There’s something on your boob. Yeah, your eyes.

How ’bout that, England!?!?!

I’ve got some hair in my beard.

I’ve never seen a guy with a vag on the back of his head….until today.

I was starting to get a hangover that took so long (waiting for our next mimosa).

Write that down, no, really, write ‘write that down’.

Oh, yes, you can!

There’s an app for that.

I can’t wink – there’s an app for that.

It’s all on the website ladies – add me as a friend on facebook!

Please don’t pull out your library card. I’ll feel like such a loser.

What happens in my pants, stays in my pants.

That’s NOT chapstick!

You know what I love about us? We’re so classy!

I just want a shot that makes my tongue blue. Is that too much to ask?

I used to train cops. What did you train them in? Don’t worry about it. (Talking to the Times Square NYPD Officers – one of whom had the last name of Creamer – Cop Creamer, no lie.)

It seems to me The People’s Court would be the best option for resolving this matter.

We’ve been summoned to the street corner.  (Again, us, talking to the TS NYPD Officers)

Please disperse. (what we would tell people passing by)

You blondes, please disperse. You’re in our turf now bitches.

If anyone ever tells you power naps are not good, especially the twelve-hour version, I strongly suggest you kindly ask them to disperse. Without the nap, comments like these may not have occurred. Maybe later, if you’re good, I’ll tell you about some of the apps we created.

2 thoughts on “Please disperse”

  1. You forgot the one you said to Creamer & Co. about “fine-ing” them. Ahhhh, memories.

  2. Ah, yes Creamer & Co. NYPD’s finest, literally. I can’t remember the entire exchange….pay no fines when you’re fine…..makes sense!

    I would have liked to chat with them longer. Maybe have them expand on the penal code with us.

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