Maintaining Stamina

YummYummy and I had a fabulous time eating and drinking our way across New York City the past few days. We definitely mastered the art of doing as much of both as possible while maintaining stamina and avoiding gut rot.

Per Venn’s recommendation, we visited The Plaza Hotel for a Pimm’s Cup. Although not on the menu, the bartender will gladly oblige your request and you will be pleasantly surprised by this flavorful concoction. Since the World Cup Final was on, we decided to stick around for a bit and have one of the drinks featured on the summer menu. It was tasty in a bad tasty kind of way – we should have just had another Pimm’s Cup,

If you ever want a posh place to watch the World Cup, go to The Rose Bar at The Plaza. The loo is fantastic, atmosphere is lovely and it is free – unless, of course, you factor in the drinks. Two drinks will cost you about $50, which includes tip, so that’s not too shabby considering you are in the hotel in which Eloise wreaked havoc. If you decide you really like the atmosphere, the penthouse is currently on the market for a cool $50 million – almost exactly the same price as the drinks, with a few extra zeros.

One perk to hanging out with YummYummy is we have very similar eating habits. Meaning, we both really like to eat. In fact, I would go so far as to say we eat like we *#%@, a lot. Actually, we just liked saying that this weekend because we thought it was funny. We did, however, make it a point to have an appetizer, entrée or dessert (or all three if we so desired) at each restaurant or pub we frequented. Sometimes, we would wake up and have latefast and, about an hour later, have lunch. I think this type of consumption is required when visiting New York. Probably State law or, at the least, a rule of conduct. Unless, of course, you are using the loo at Grand Central Station. In which case drinking alcoholic beverages and bathing (especially at the same time), may result in your arrest. Wish we would have known those rules going in…….

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