Joan Jettin’

This morning I had really big plans, really big. Here they are:

Wake up AND get up, simultaneously, at 5 AM – doing this simultaneously is a very big deal for me, a coworker once asked me, “What do you take in the morning?” “I take my time getting up.” Shower. Wash, dry and fold towels for Tree (house sitter). Fancy up “For Sale” information on the car. Eat breakfast. Put laundry away. Pack. Go to airport (at 7 AM). Get upgraded to First Class. Drink free wine. Take a nap. Wake up in New York City.

Seems simple enough. Unfortunately, as is often the case, this is not how the morning actually went. Instead, at 5 AM, I was having a lovely dream that I no longer recall. At 6:30 AM, I woke from the lovely dream and gazed at the clock for a bit, at which point I realized I only had 30 minutes before That’s Not Chinese was picking me up. Immediately jumped up and into the shower. Took all of the laundry in my room and shoved it into my luggage – completely overpacked and probably forgot things.

Phoned That’s Not Chinese to wake her (morning isn’t her thing either). Got dressed. Applied mascara – no time to get fancy schmancy with other beautification tools at a time like this. Spent about two minutes on my hair, which resulted in a very Joan Jett style (or as one friend so kindly stated a few days ago, “It looks like your hair is on vacation.”) Threw my 500 lb bag of laundry, aka suitcase, in That’s Not Chinese’s car. Provided telephonic counsel to Dr. BJ. Shared a funny story with That’s Not Chinese. Thanked her for the ride and told her, “I hope New York is ready for what Joan Jett has to offer.”

Checked my laundry. Bought a smoothie. Saw my reflection – gasped. Didn’t get upgraded. No free wine. Wished I had brought mittens. Listened to Yaz. Checked out the latest fashions in the fashion mag and vowed to never wear pleated pants – no matter what (costume party exception allowed). Learned a little francais. Je vous le passe. Took a nap (tick that box), which definitely enhanced the Joan Jett. Woke up in New York City (another box ticked).

Truly, the morning and timing could not have worked out better – all I really wanted to do today is end up in New York City – tadone! This is exactly why I should stick to my no plan plan, where the only plan I have is to not plan. It just makes sense, because as we know, plans find me.

6 thoughts on “Joan Jettin’”

  1. Sounds like fun.. although you dont seem to follow my philosophy very well.. you dont make plans…. plans find us… just go with the flow next time… haha lots of fun…

  2. R u really in NYC? If so, go to the lounge at the Carlyle Hotel. Great Jazz. And the second floor bar at the Plaza. Order a Pimm’s Cup. Perfect summer drink. You will love it. I miss you. Veen. If you are in SLC and want to get a Mimoso/brunch let me know.

  3. It would be good to have you here to guide us Little Man. We are like two bulls in a China closet, but different, because we are just two crazy girls in NYC.

  4. Yes, I am really in NYC. Thanks for the tips – we’ll definitely give both places (and the drink) a go. Where’ve you been Veen? Sleepless and I have been spending a lot of time together and you haven’t been part of the mix…..why? We’re a good time! Mimoso/brunch sounds great!

  5. Sleepless banned me. Long story. Call me when you are back. Btw, the Carlyle is old school. JFK had a huge suite there to “entertain” his guests who were brought up by Secret Service in a secret elevator. Jackie and the kids stayed across the street in her father’s penthouse apartment.

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