Double Ds

D-Dog and Bird met up with Sleepless, MyFace and I for mayhem in a small Colorado town. Sleepless was slightly disappointed in me for not bringing my new karaoke kit, courtesy of Try Singing?. I was actually pretty disappointed myself – there wasn’t a lot to do in this little town. I did bring Uno and Adverteasing, however, so that helped bring my mood back up and keep us busy a little later in the evening (after fruitless attempts to dance at the two “nightclubs” in town).

After a night of complete recklessness, we decided to venture up the top of the mountain so Bird could ride his bike down and we could hike. Hiking down should have been a pretty simple task being that the lift takes you up to the top and the mountain goes straight down to the main village area. Several hours later we made it back to the village incident free, which is very lucky considering MyFace didn’t bring the fanny pack, had no trail maps, and most definitely hit a couple of Double Diamonds’ (aka, Double Ds) ski/hiking trails. We are contemplating becoming tour guides for those who like to go off the beaten path…..a lot.

Unfortunately, D-Dog and Bird had to return home – they had pork chops waiting for them. Sleepless, MyFace and I got dolled up for a night on the town (different from the “town” the night before, slightly higher population and elevation). I donned a dress I had picked up with YummYummy in New York and, upon putting it on, realized I had forgotten the proper undergarments. I decided not to worry about it and Sleepless agreed with my decision, telling me it wasn’t too sheer on the top and, if necessary, I could just throw on a jacket and cover up the Double Diamonds.

We had some time before our dinner reservation so we decided to shop around the town. We stumbled upon a really saucy little boutique and, while finding some amazing fashions, Sleepless pointed out a pile of bandeaus. We found one that would work with my dress and she negotiated with the sales associate so I could put it on then and pay later. I was in a dressing room trying on clothes with MyFace when I realized one of the dresses might be too sheer should I decide to wear underwear. I couldn’t really tell without actually wearing underwear and, within seconds, MyFace came to the rescue. “Here, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Just borrow these real quickly.” She’s a good friend. I bought the dress, but I definitely can’t wear black underwear with it.

As I was paying for all of my items I reminded the cashier that I needed to pay for the bandeau. “Oh, aren’t those amazing?” she asked. “I was going to tell you about those when you first came in.” Hmmm.

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