Yesterday I visited my aunt. She has an infection in her mouth that has resulted in her being hospitalized for the past week. Her sister, also known as my mother, believes it started from her trying to dig a green grape out of her throat that she was choking on at a wedding several weeks ago. Maybe.
Not wanting to visit her empty handed I decided to stop and buy some flowers at the local grocer. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any vases so I headed to the local glass recycling bin and dug through the empty wine and liquor bottles until I found one with just the right look: Evan Williams Honey Reserve Kentucky Liqueur – Made with Extra-Aged Bourbon, Infused with Real Honey and, now, flowers. Perfect!
Later in the day, I met up with That’s Not Chinese and some other friends for the world famous production, Saturday’s Voyeur. If you ever drink with That’s Not Chinese, do not let her bring the plastic cups. She brought two cups for the two of us and as I was pouring the wine into what was my cup it started spraying out the side of the cup. We quickly remedied that by putting it inside the other plastic cup, which had an even bigger hole in the bottom so the wine was pouring all over my lap. Luckily, someone had a nice, hole-free, green plastic cup that they allowed us to borrow.
I had the privilege of sitting in between That’s Not Chinese and Be A Digger. Be A Digger decided to purchase snacks during intermission and was generous enough to share them with us. That’s Not Chinese was of the opinion that Be A Digger should pour the M&M’S in her hand and be sly enough to ensure a green M&M in the mix. Be A Digger wasn’t having any part of that. If we wanted part of her snack, we had to dig in the bag – whether we were digging for green, red, blue, yellow or orange.
During the last intermission, the Acting Company was giving away free green jello shots. Unfortunately, in their effort to save green, there was no liquor in the shot – just green jello. Nonetheless, Be A Digger and I decided to partake. They were delicious. So for all of you doubters out there, yesterday is proof that going green, or what I like to call greengo, is good.
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