Will trade for basil

Skiwi is the kind of guy who can find a great deal and is always willing to share his deals and skills with others. Last night I stopped by his house to have him assist me with a simple DVD project. As we were making our way to the audio/visual area, we passed the table of Mary Kaye products that are currently on the market. As always, he graciously and proudly offered to sell any one of them to me for a good price.

Once we got the DVD project going we headed out to the patio bistro for a glass of 2 Buck Chuck – he had just purchased several cases because the price was right. While sitting on the bistro we started talking about transportation costs and the benefits of riding your bike to work. He thought Disco Dancing Dog Groomer might enjoy a nice early morning (7ish) bike ride to work each day. She looked at him, puzzled, and said, “How long have we been dating? One week? Why would I ever want to do that? At 7 AM I am still sleeping and you are walking around the house making noise.”

A few minutes later the conversation turned to the items in their garden. I noticed they had a lovely salvia plant and told them some people don’t just like them in their garden, rather, they enjoy the hallucengic aspects of the plant. Skiwi had no idea his yard possessed a product with such street value and his wheels started turning. Disco Dancing Dog Groomer suggested he make trades for the salvia, “You can tell people, ‘salvia – will trade for basil.'” “I better make sure I say it clearly, I’ve got a friend called Sylvia and if I accidentally trade her for basil I could be in a lot of trouble.”

2 thoughts on “Will trade for basil”

  1. Always a treat to make the blog! A small correction, however: we were drinking a fine $8 chardonnay last evening – not the two buck chuck (which is still aging in my cellar).

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