So you want a box?

Summer solstice occurred this week and with it, Venn’s birthday. As has been the case lately, we were going to go to a concert (to celebrate) and ended up not. Instead, Sleepless and I were hungry – nearly starving to death, I’m positive we each only had a few hours of life left in us had we not eaten – so we requested a food celebration. Venn asked for restaurant ideas and we provided them. He wasn’t keen on any of our suggestions and, since it was his birthday, we opted for the Mexican restaurant he wanted to go to on the west side of town.

Sleepless and I arrived to find Venn patiently waiting for us on the patio. OregganO soon joined us to find her drink and meal ordered and waiting for her – the girl knows how to get what she wants. Party Favor, our waiter with the light eyes, long eyelashes and a curly mop of brown locks on top his head, was wearing a pin disclosing where he shops. We asked him what he purchases there and he informed us crack and whores. Nothing says summer like a whore with a side of crack or vice versa.

It soon became clear that all of our eyes were bigger than our stomachs so we asked for to go boxes. Party Favor, to be clear, asked, “So you want a box.” “Yes, I like box,” I replied. And then we all had a good laugh. Being the only man at the table, and having the most leftover food, Venn took on the responsibility of filling our boxes with his sloppy seconds.

Party Favor returned and started telling us he really doesn’t shop for crack and whores – he’s a professional, not a hofessional – rather, he just rents movies from the local video store. “Every night after work I rent ‘The Wire,’ go home and watch it, return it the next day and rent another, it is all I do.” Sleepless suggested he not share that story with any other patrons or anyone else for that matter. We then all grabbed our boxes and headed home.

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