On a roll here…

Last night I got the pleasure of hanging out with The Leaver, QuQueen and Trinity. We were supposed to go to a concert (CocoRosie), however it was sold out so we decided to play Boggle instead. The Leaver was spewing fabulous commentary, as usual. We had questioned her on her spelling of ‘rufy’, which was correct, and she replied, “I’ve been drugged, it’s a word!” Later, we started another game and decided the letter options were horrible so QuQueen reshook. This action upset The Leaver, “Why did you do that? I had three words: wine, when, whey. I was on a roll here.” Her comments made me think back to some of the comments I cherish from my interactions with friends in Europe.

The first night in Amsterdam Quality Not Quantity invited us to dinner at his place one evening and it was amazing. As we were talking about the many meals he makes he told me, with great conviction, “I will make you something you will love the hell of.” I’m looking forward to this meal.

Later, we were at Cafe Soundgarden drinking and playing pool and I had somehow managed to win both games of pool. Rusty Rogue Rafael, who had previously told me, “You call me Rafael and I’ll call you Cordelia,” was proper impressed with my two for two status and stated, “You’re winning 100% of the time in Amsterdam. You should stay.”

Canal Jumper, who occasionally jumps in canals to complete a good night of drinking, had some of the best comments. He was checking his email and I asked if he got a lot of junk mail. “Yes. Usually from women wanting to marry me.” Later, we were talking about mishaps in life and he eloquently stated, “Life is like sex. When it’s good, it feels great. Doesn’t it? And when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.” One night, as we were getting ready to go out for the evening, he grabbed his cologne, shook his head, and said, “I’ve got to get a job. I’m almost out of cologne.”

And then there is Maverick Midget King. He had so many great comments I wrote a whole entry about them: http://grigiogirl.com/2010/06/100-perfect/.

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