Frozen Soup

The last few days have been like Xmas. I’ve had the privilege of hanging out with a ton of my favorite people, met great new people, booked and rebooked a trip to Amsterdam and Paris, learned new phrases, found $20 that I lost several months ago, hit but didn’t really hit a car, discovered some amazing new artists, and made a really delicious guacamole.


They say good things come in threes and that was definitely true for me this week. Sleepless and I have spent the past three days together, working and what not. Yesterday, we met at our favorite Italian eatery, which is way more than just a ‘C’ in a box, and were talking business with one of the owners. He was telling us about his high school days and how, because he became very tan in the sun, a lot of people thought he was black. He had always admired black people, especially those with great athletic ability. So, he decided to do his best to be like them and started playing football. Within no time at all, he was a pro. “I was like a Benetton ad – good at what I did.” Unfortunately, his coach wasn’t too keen on him because, in addition to throwing the ball around, Benetton enjoyed throwing ‘f bombs’ around. His coach instructed him, “F bombs are unacceptable. If you think you need to say it, say ‘frozen soup’ instead.” Frozen soup that!


Scot-tea and Venn met up with us for a short time and, to Scot-tea’s disappointment, there was no white rose tea or cute little teapot to comfort him. Word up. We started reminiscing about the last few nights we’ve shared together and higher education again made the discussion. None of the boys have PhDs, however, Venn and Scot-tea have a JD. We’re not yet sure of the true meaning behind that. Jacked or Junior Dick, perhaps. Being an advocate of higher education, I encouraged all of them to start working on a PhD.


OregganO stopped by last night and stated she fully agrees with me on this concept; she stands firm on several matters and this is one of them. After sharing stories with her about Sleepless, The Scotts and others, I updated her on some of the ongoings at my office. Yesterday, my boss called an emergency meeting to inform us she was being replaced. One of my favorite coworkers, Calendar Boy, tried to change the mood of the meeting with this comment, “On a happy note, I had a positive observation in the restroom today.” This is exactly why he is one of my favorite coworkers – because the stuff that comes out of his month is completely frozen souped up. He didn’t share his observation, but  I’m guessing he found out someone else in the office has a PhD.

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